WNDW’s Hyper-Local Coverage Drives Awareness for Open Enrollment
How can one effectively engage residents in unique, underrepresented neighborhoods with limited Out-of-Home advertising options?
Meet WNDW, the solution chosen to reach residents in numerous demanding, hyper-local Charlotte neighborhoods, in order to raise awareness for Cigna’s IFP open enrollment. WNDW demonstrated its quick turnaround by swiftly identifying high-quality locations within 2 weeks and installing more than 50 WNDWposters™ in just 5 days.
Cigna is a renowned healthcare corporation that provides quality insurance at a low-cost. They’re committed to enhancing the lives of their customers, patients, and clients.
Campaign Specifics
WNDWposter™ Display
8 Neighborhoods, 60-65% Neighborhood Coverage
13 Display Weeks / 3.25 Periods
Charlotte NC
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