How I Almost Died, And Learned To Love Healthcare

Bike Accident Picture

I’m an avid road cyclist. I spend a lot of time on the streets near my home on Long Island, motoring up the steepest hills the North Shore has to offer, going as fast as I can down them. It’s fun, it’s healthy exercise, and a great way to get some fresh air.

Until you crash

I had a bad accident a couple of weeks ago. My brakes locked up winding around a hairpin turn going 32 mph, I slid 20 feet on my hip and elbow. It could have been worse, I didn’t break anything, and thank goodness there were no cars coming in the opposite direction, or it could have been much worse. 

My healthcare coverage didn’t have to kick in, I was ok (save for a bit of road rash – painful). But having that healthcare safety net is key to my peace of mind, and it protects my family and millions of Americans from crushing healthcare bills.

Every year on November 1st through December 15th, Americans have a chance to reevaluate their healthcare options and change their plans according to their needs. Called Open Enrollment, this time of year is crucial for health insurers, as it’s the one chance every 12 months to attract new members. After the year in which we’ve all been so focused on our health and wellness, we still need to think about how we care for ourselves and our families. 

Some of the most interesting and significant WNDW work in the past few years has been run on behalf of the healthcare industry. Hyper-local campaigns with multi-lingual creative, vaccine awareness in specific towns and counties, medicare initiatives targeting first responders – we’ve been tasked with all kinds of outreach, and some of the most innovative OOH strategy out there (shout out to our agency partners Kinetic, Rapport, Horizon, Talon & Billups, and our media partner Adkom).

Don’t forget about Open Enrollment on November 1st this year – ending on December 15th. It’s the best way to choose a new health plan, or modify your existing coverage. 

Please reach out if you or your healthcare clients are looking for hyper-local awareness on a national scale. And for goodness sake, wear a helmet if you’re going cycling!

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