A PMD Field Rep taking a Windowposter Picture with an iPod Touch. Reps now upload the latest information directly to PMD’s main tracking database in New York.
Equipped with an iPod Touch, our reps are completing routes faster and more effectively. What does this actually mean? Simply, it means that our reps are no longer burdened by clipboards, sheets of paper, maps and cameras. Everything they once had to carry, is now in the palm of their hand. Using the most advanced mobile technology, PMD reps have access to our database of locations, with maps pinpointing the exact locations. They document Windowposter™ placement using camera features. And best of all, they use wifi capabilities to send the information back to the home office within seconds. The processing time for this information has been cut down by almost 85%. What used to take 45 minutes to an hour, now takes ten minutes at most, which means faster reporting to our clients.
Mobile technology has changed the way we do business. From Mobile Tags to mobile database tracking and iPods, PMD strives to stay ahead of the rest while continuing to provide the same high quality of service we’re known for.