It’s hard to imagine a more cutting-edge technology company than Apple Computer, its software and hardware has revolutionized a generation. Likewise, it would be hard to imagine a more low-tech, and revolution-causing, advertising medium like nailing a poster to the church door (think Martin Luther in 1517). Windowposter™ Display with PMD Promotion, is a direct descendent of this early “outdoor advertising”. So what does displaying a poster in neighborhood storefronts have to do with the largest technology company in the world?


PMD has been featured on Apple’s Filemaker Pro home page for our innovative, and even ground-breaking use of Filemaker’s mobile app, Filemaker Go. With an iPod or an iPhone in their pockets, PMD personnel can take pictures of displays, enter data and upload the information to a central server, almost in real-time, which means faster, more accurate reporting back to our clients.

PMD has been at the forefront of the use of technology since its inception in 1991. Before desktop publishing was widely used, PMD had top-notch reporting, designed on the Mac. Long before consumer digital cameras were sold everywhere, PMD was using them to document our work and report back to clients. In 2010, PMD developed venue mapping in our tracking software, and in turn our client reporting has never been more precise. So it was no shocker when we decided to use the new Filemaker Go mobile app for the iPhone and the iPod, and take our database software on the road. Literally.

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