A Path Towards Better Healthcare.
Amy Henderson was in heaven. It was a picture-perfect summer morning, sunny and mild, the kind of start to a day she always loved. At 65, Amy often enjoyed the hike up this mountain trail, with nothing but blue skies and green conifers bordering the hiking path on both sides. She barely noticed the terrain turning rocky under her feet, and she certainly never saw that one sloped rock in the middle of the path, until she stepped on it. Her right ankle did a strange turn to the left, as her full weight bore down on it. She heard a crunch, as she folded onto the ground like a collapsing Jenga tower.
A fractured ankle is nothing to laugh about. Neither is any other injury or illness that requires a doctor’s visit, or worse yet, lands you in the hospital. But accidents do happen, and people do get sick. And as much as healthcare has divided the country down partisan lines for the past 25 years, we can all agree that it’s necessary.

Marketing Healthcare
Competition in the U.S. healthcare space is fierce, and the numbers show it; community hospitals have consolidated from 90% independent in 1970 to just 33% in 2019, and healthcare insurance providers are similarly shrinking, with the top 5 insurers capturing almost 50% of the national market, worth more than $4 trillion annually.
With a product as in-demand as healthcare, one might be surprised that these companies have to market themselves at all. But with the increased competition from all corners, the need to stand apart is vital.
Hospital groups and health insurers have incredible amounts of data on their customers and their potential customers, and they know how to leverage it. When utilizing an advertising medium, this data comes in handy, such as where people live, their age, gender, habits (bad & good) and all the details in between that dictate what kind of insurance, doctor or hospital product they are likely to purchase.
Here at WNDW, we’ve seen this considerable data aid marketing in impressive ways, and with very effective results. Blue-chip companies like Aetna, Northwell Health, NYU Langone and Walmart Health Centers are among the heavy-hitters in the space, and have utilized WNDW displays in the past several cycles.
A hyper-local media product that can be leveraged at scale nationwide, with specific demo targeting across differing neighborhood delineations, is particularly adept at getting in front of people when they are not plugged into screens or smartphones.
Street-level windows in town centers and independent businesses, seen where people live their lives, near homes, work places and shopping districts, WindowPoster™ displays are perfectly suited to reach just about any population.
A Happy Ending, with the Right Insurer
Better marketing can’t make better healthcare, but it does allow for the best products and services to be seen and heard, and rise to the top of a crowded field.
Amy was lucky the trail was near a roadway when her accident happened. A good samaritan stopped and brought her back to her car, where she was able to drive herself to the hospital. Another fortunate fact: Amy had great medical coverage, her emergency room visit was paid almost entirely by her healthcare provider.
Amy will be back on the hiking trails soon, enjoying the sights and smells of nature and all it has to offer.
If your healthcare client is looking for a bespoke solution for reaching a specific audience, please get in touch. We hope you’ll be enjoying some outdoor activities this summer as well!

Dean Stallone
Founder & CEO, WNDW