Like a lot of advertising businesses, PMD uses a ton of spreadsheets to track statistics, ad-placements, and company stats, in an attempt to get an edge on our competitors and refine our business strategy. Keeping accurate track of our 35,000 independently owned storefronts is a huge logistical task, you can’t “just wing it” when it comes to this many statistics flying at you. How do we know when a Windowposter Display needs to be revisited and maintained? Who tells us when an old Windowposter comes down and a new one needs to go up?

Sometimes, those stats become more complex than you’d ever imagine, with so much cross-data, serial-stats, and numbers to remember that it can honestly get a little daunting to even think about tackling it all.

Without a proper software solution, that is.

To that end, PMD decided to team up with Colibri Solutions back in 2007, in order to get a tighter understanding of our business data and helm PMD in the right direction.

These guys are professional level problem solvers who specialize in business software solutions, and I have to tell you, they are fantastic at what they do. Working with Colibri Solutions has completely streamlined the way we at PMD organize and analyze data, giving us the the freedom to do what we do best rather than be mired down in spread-sheets. With their help, our ability to target poster placement is much more efficient and has generated much more positive results. Not to mention our reporting has become unparalleled in terms of detail.


I’m really excited to be able to take PMD to this next level of professionalism and streamlined efficiency with Colibri Solutions.

For more information on bringing Colibri Solutions into your team, contact James Wesolowski at

Thanks again for reading, catch you all soon!

– Dean

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