WindowPoster Storefront

As memories of June Gloom fade, replaced by the sizzle of sun-bleached sidewalks and sangria-soaked afternoons, we’re excited to slow down and enjoy American cities by foot.

We’ve been told over and over that walking 10,000 steps a day is the key to better physical and mental wellness – and, as an informal survey of the streets of downtown Manhattan indicates, we’re not alone in taking this advice.

Walking isn’t just good for our hearts and waistlines – it’s great for selling your brand.

As marketers, we can’t help but notice the recent uptick in pedestrian traffic. More people on the street means more opportunities to connect your brand and message with consumers.

If the key to a successful advertising campaign is capturing attention with multiple touch-points, the first step towards reaching your desired audience is getting your message SEEN in places where people live, work, and play … and what better way to do so than by placing your ads in storefront windows and on their mobile devices?

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